
Our Conscious Summer Sales

Have you ever scrolled through online shops with high sales or saw yourself shopping at Black Friday? You are not alone! These tempting low prices and sales invite us to spend our money.

However, they come with a huge price for the environment, garment workers and even for yourself. Sales invite for consumerism which takes up many resources and these low prices can only be attained with cheap labour.
Though you still might think it is a good opportunity for yourself to stock up your wardrobe. But let’s be honest, do you really need a third pair of winter shoes or are you just buying them, because they are on sale? Always looking for the next item with a price reduction might take a toll on your finances in the long run.

Kauri Store avoiding aggressive sales and rather wants its customers to focus on quality over quantity. There might be some pieces in certain sizes at a discounted cost, because they didn’t get sold in a certain period. But you will not find many garments with 50% sales or over.

So remember the next time while you are enjoying your shopping trip, quality over quantity!